Sleep Coaching

Image of Nicole on her computer looking over her shoulder

Sleep coaching is provided for parents of children, teens and even if you are an adult struggling with sleep. What I know to be true is, when we aren’t sleeping everything is that much harder.

I come alongside and support you in understanding what may be contributing to your or your child’s sleep struggles. We work together to discover what environmental changes we can make to support you in feeling rested and productive during your days.

My approach to sleep support is relationship-focused, data-driven and grounded in research. My goal is to support you in answering the question, “Why is sleep so hard!” and to help you change yours or your child’s life through changing sleep.

  • ✔ You or your children have difficulty falling asleep

    ✔ You or your children are waking up during the night

    ✔ You or your children feel tired during the day

Corporate Sleep Consultation

Are your staff struggling to complete the daily tasks? Do you notice that the coffee pots are emptying faster than usual? Are you having to solve all of the problems yourself?

If you are noticing any of the above, then it is possible that the team is not sleeping enough, which can impact health, mood, attention, creativity, problem-solving and so much more!

A lot of what we do during the day (working hours!), impacts the quality of sleep we can achieve at night.

I can support you and your team in designing a culture that values health, wellness and better sleep through simple environmental adjustments and education on the importance of sleep.

  • ✔ Business Owner or Manager

    ✔ Difficulty completing expected tasks

    ✔ Poor quality work performance

    ✔ Lack of creativity and independent problem solving

Sleep Workshops

Through a dynamic and interactive sleep workshop I support your team to understand the importance of sleep and how this can support them in achieving better health and success.

Sleep deprivation impacts mood, performance, productivity, focus, attention, health and so much more.

  • ✔ Knowledge about how sleep works

    ✔ Understanding why sleep is important to mental and physical health

    ✔ Strategies to implement during the day that help with better sleep at night

    ✔ An individualized bedtime routine

    ✔ What to do if you wake up in the middle of the night.

    ✔ Tools to develop healthy sleep dependencies

    ✔ Resources and tools to help them track their sleep and daily performance

Words to remember:

“Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day”.


Curious about the process?

Let’s dive into our

Sleep Model.

Pre-Screening & Assessment

The first step is to talk about your sleep problems so we can identify the "why". Sleep problems can occur for various reasons, so, we look for the root cause. We'll talk with you about your sleep history, daily routines, and any other variables that may be contributing to poor sleep.


Based on our assessment, I start planning with you. We'll talk about recommendations, and make sure we develop a plan that works for you and your lifestyle.


Once we have a game plan, I will answer any of your questions and make adjustments based on your feedback.


Throughout our time together, we will connect daily to ensure that the changes that have been suggested are contributing to improved sleep through data analysis. If no change, then we adjust.

Life is harder when you aren’t sleeping well.

We’ll help you
fix that.

Reaching out is step one.