YBG’s Online Resources

Scroll down for courses about SLEEP for BCBAs and Parents of neurodivergent children.


  • Sleep Can Be Taught: An Introductory Workshop on Sleep and Behavior Analysis

    In this session hosted by BehaviorLive, you will take the first steps towards building your competency in providing effective sleep interventions, unlocking a world of possibilities for your clients' well-being.

  • What is Sleep? How Behavior Analysts Can Help

    This presentation is one of the first segments that will introduce the foundational and essential sleep information that Behavior Analysts need to start building their competency in addressing sleep problems with children, teens and/or adults. Information in this presentation is based on both a neurotypical and neurodivergent lens and will be invaluable for any practitioner with clients who are struggling with sleep. 1 CE available.

  • Got Trust? Get Sleep! Sleep assessments for beginners.

    This is not your typical Sleep CEU event. I am taking you into a deeper dive of how to conduct assessments in a way that will leave your client feeling seen, heard, and supported. Assessments are not just about asking questions; it is an opportunity to build trust with the client. For any sleep support to be effective, the caregivers need to trust that you know what you are doing and that your support is aligned with their values.

  • NESTS Course for Parents of Neurodivergent Children

    NESTS for Parents Webinar provides parents and neurodiverse children with a supportive and holistic approach that includes nutrition, exercise, sleep, time for self/support and stress management. The sessions are pre-recorded so you can listen to, or view, at your own convenience and are about 30 minutes each!