How Data-Based Decision Making Changed Everything

I’ve recently recognized that I set goals daily for my clients and have a pretty decent system for doing so...why can't it work for me?!

I’ve been there - it’s the end of the year and I have all these lofty goals. But then March hits and those goals are suddenly so far behind me. I used to just wait until the next year. But here’s the thing - goal setting for yourself can happen yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and DAILY! We wouldn’t expect our clients to achieve their long-term objectives in just a few weeks, so why put that pressure on ourselves?

Here are a few key steps I have used to be sure I am feeling successful and motivated to take action towards my long-term goals!

1. Create my long-term objective

Here I get really specific on what my goals are. For example, I wanted to launch my blog and website ASAP as soon as I acquired my BCBA certification.

2. Break it down into short-term objectives

A.K.A. - actionable steps to get to my main goal. This website didn’t happen overnight. I had to set goals for purchasing the web domain, writing out blog posts, creating content images and so much more! I couldn’t have done this without the assistance of Sunday Virtual Assistant and Living in Balance Coaching and all of their support to keep me accountable!

3. Design a data-tracking plan for each of my goals

Lastly, for each of my goals, I track the progress weekly during my weekly planner checks. Depending on the goals, the data collection can be different and individualized. I currently use a mind map of my goals and colour in the steps as I complete them. This allows me to visualize my progress. Of course, there will be days and weeks where stuff just doesn’t get done, but when the motivation hits, colouring in those bubbles is SO reinforcing.

Now, this is easier said than done, so I gathered a few tools to help me. My number one is my @passionplanner. Next, I have my health and wellness apps that I log into daily to keep track of sleep and exercise. (The Sleep Watch App and my handy Apple Watch)

Tracking your progress is crucial in keeping yourself on track. If you are struggling with data collection ideas feel free to send an e-mail or DM and I’d be happy to support you in any way I can!

xoxo, Nicole

Your Behaviour Gal


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