5 Tips for Creating a Healthier Sleep Routine

I’m gonna get real with you all here.

Before I started researching why sleep was so important, my routine was all over the place. All of my life I have struggled with sleep. When I was a child, I had fears of sleeping alone, difficulty falling asleep, lying in bed wide awake, and could only fall asleep after watching ‘13 Going on 30’ (true story).

The struggle was REAL, let me tell you. 

As I have learned more about sleep and really understood the “why”, I am continuously motivated to stick with the changes I have made, and hopefully you will too because hey, WE all deserve to feel rested in the morning.

Here are a few tips you can try to get the best sleep of your life:

1. Watch your caffeine intake

I know this is going to be hard for those coffee addicts, but hear me out because the facts are pretty convincing!

Caffeine has a half-life of 6-7 hours - this means that after 6-7 hours there is still half the amount of caffeine in your system. What does this do to our sleep? Well, caffeine impacts your ability to fall asleep and allow your body to drop into a deep sleep. Even if you feel that you aren’t affected, you are. The research tells us this is true!

My advice? Avoid caffeine after 12pm if you can, this allows your body to process the caffeine so there is very little in your system once you climb into bed.

This is a simple change (but not an easy one!) and of course, will take time, so start weaning now. I promise you won’t regret it! 

2. Keep an eye on your alcohol consumption

I used to think alcohol would make me tired and I would have better sleeps after a drink or two… but this is a common misconception! After learning more about how alcohol impacts sleep, I’ve had to seriously reconsider that afternoon bevy. You may be wondering why so here is the short version. Alcohol reduces the amount of REM sleep we get each night, and this is the most important part of the cycle! In REM sleep, we do all of our healing and cleaning out of our brains so we feel refreshed in the morning.

Ever wonder why you feel so tired (and foggy) in the morning? Alcohol may be the culprit!

When consuming alcohol be proactive and plan, be sure to leave yourself a ~2 hour window between the last beverage and bed, and drink lots of water to help move it through your system. Timing is everything - simple change, but again not an easy one!

3. Manage your screen time

As much as possible, give yourself a break from the screens before bedtime, including phones and laptops. Screens are full of blue light and keep our brains busy and awake, which is counterproductive to trying to get to sleep. These screens actually block the production of melatonin for up to 30 minutes - and we need melatonin to help our bodies prep for our nightly adventure into slumber. So put that phone on airplane mode and pick up a book or play a game in those few hours before bed.

If you make this change, you may find yourself falling deep into a peaceful sleep once your head hits the pillow. If you must use your phone or computer, be sure the night shift feature is on, or get yourself some blue-light-blocking glasses!

4. Know the ‘dos and don’ts’ of exercise

Exercise in the morning is GREAT for setting up your circadian rhythm for the day. However, later in the evening, this can have a significant impact on your ability to fall asleep. This is because exercise causes our body temperature to increase, which is not ideal for falling asleep. It is generally recommended that any vigorous exercise should be completed 2-3 hours before your goal bedtime to allow enough time for your body to cool off. ⠀⠀

5. Play with lighting!

Light is your best friend when it comes to a healthy circadian rhythm. By exposing yourself to daylight in the morning you can give your body the jumpstart it needs to feel awake, it’s even better than caffeine! At night, just by dimming the lights and reducing the amount of blue light exposure, you can create conditions that will signal your body to produce melatonin and start the process of prepping your body and mind for sleep.

How cool right?! Keeping it dark and cozy and living like there is a blackout is perfect for that nighttime feels. Get those candles out and enjoy the hygge (coziness)

I myself am currently working on all of these tips and hope to see my sleep continue to improve. The changes I have made have been reinforcing… my sleep is better, I wake up feeling refreshed and my routines are healthier. And we are all human, so I am the first to admit, although I am aware of the consequences, sometimes I watch my favourite Netflix show into the early hours.. and that’s okay…. we can always jump back in the regular programming when we are ready! Remember, I am right here with you all and we can all achieve healthier sleep together. 🌙

If you need a sleep accountability buddy to feel free to send me an e-mail and I would be happy to chat!

Sleep tight!

xoxo, Nicole

Your Behaviour Gal


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